
In each Course, there are two main areas, the Course Sidebar, and the Course Player. We will look at each of them in detail.
Screenshot of a Course, highlighting the two sections. On the left, the Sidebar has a purple box around it. On the right, the Course Player has a green box around it.

Course Sidebar

The sidebar is on the left-hand side of the course page. It is there to help you navigate around the course. On the sidebar, you’ll find the course Chapters and Lessons.

You can skip to different Chapters and Lesson by using the Course Sidebar. Click on the title of the Lesson that you would like to visit. This is useful to review a Lesson that you already completed. You can also use this to skip ahead. However, this may cause Chapters and Lessons to be marked “incomplete.” For more on this, see “Complete & Continue” below.

Close up of the Sidebar showing the Search Bar with a dark green box around it, Chapters with a purple box around them, and Lessons with a light green box around them.

Why can't I see the Sidebar?

Sometimes, the Course Sidebar is collapsed and not visible. To make it visible, click on the Hamburger Menu Icon (three lines on top of each other). It is in the top left corner of the screen. To collapse the Sidebar again, press the “X” in the top left of the screen.
Close up of the Sidebar, highlighting the hamburger menu icon in the top right corner.

What is in the Sidebar

Use the Sidebar to navigate through the Course using the Search Bar, and the list of Chapters and Lessons.

  • Search bar: Near the top of the Sidebar, there is a Search by Lesson Title drop-down menu. If you’re looking for a specific lesson in the course, this is a handy way to search.

  • Chapters: Each Course is divided into Chapters to make progress easier. You can see all Chapters in the Course Sidebar. Click on a Chapter title to show or hide the Lessons in that Chapter.

  • Lessons: Each Chapter is divided into Lessons. You can see all Lessons in the Course Sidebar. Click on a Chapter title to show or hide the Lessons in that Chapter. In the sidebar, you will see the Lesson name and type. You may also see the Lesson length or the label “Prerequisite.”

Course Player

The main window has the Lesson content. This is the Course Player.
Close up of the Course Player, with different sections highlighted, including the Lesson title and content, and three buttons. Each element and their location is explained in the next section.

What is in the Player

  • Lesson Title: The Lesson title is in top left corner of the Course Player. It is easy to miss.

  • Lesson Content: Lessons may include text, audio, video, images and downloads. They may be a PDF document that you can read and download, or a quiz or survey for you to complete.

  • Complete and Continue Button: For a lesson to be considered complete, you must press the “Complete & Continue” button. The button is at the bottom of the Course Player. More on this below.

  • Discussion Button: This is in the top right of the Player. Press this to post a comment or question and read or reply other learners’ comments. All posts must be approved before they are publicly available, so you may not see it right away.

  • Full Screen Button: This is in the top right corner of the Player. Press this to expand the size of the Player and make the Sidebar disappear. To exit full screen mode, press that button again.

Completing a Lesson

It is important to formally complete a Lesson so that your progress is tracked correctly and you can get a Certificate.

Close up of the Complete & Continue button, which is at the bottom of the Course Player.

For a lesson to be considered complete, you must press the “Complete & Continue” button. The button is at the bottom of the Course Player.

Some lessons may require you to complete a task (ex. watch a full video, answer quiz questions) before you can press “Complete & Continue.” If a Lesson is a Prerequisite, you must complete it before you can access any other Lessons that come after it.

You can skip to different Chapters and Lessons by using the Course Sidebar. However, Lessons will not be considered complete unless you click “Complete & Continue” after going through the Lesson.

A Chapter is complete when you have completed all the Lessons in that Chapter.

If you enter a Lesson that you already completed, you’ll see two different buttons at the bottom of the screen. The new buttons will say "Mark as Incomplete" and "Continue." Click Mark as Incomplete to continue to review. Click Continue to leave the Lesson status as complete and move to the next Lesson.

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